
My girlies!

My girlies!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Defying the Goliath's in our Lives

 The sermon that my pastor preached on Sunday was  powerful. It was the story of David and Goliath a story that many of us are familiar with. Someone who might not be qualified demolished this huge opponent. But what stuck out to me was 1st Samuel 17:45,  David said to the Philistine. " You come against me with sword and spear and javelin but I come against you i the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." Wow. That is an awesome verse.  It reminds me of the song from Chris Tomlin " Our God" when he says, " If our God is for us than who can be against us."  We always have God on our side and He is musch stronger than any human weapon ever created.  This young man David, loved GOd and stood up on His behalf. My pastor said the main thing to get out of the sermon was that those who Love God are willing to stand up on His behalf.  That is true.    I began to think of the "Goliaths" in my life. Everyone has one. That one thing or person that is defying God and tearing you away from Him.  The " Goliaths" in our world are the horrible things. HUman trafficking, famine, racism, murders, shootings, drug abuse, alcoholism, and much more. We live ina cruel and ungodly world. All these things are telling us that we are powerless just like in 1st Samuel 17 when the kings and other men believed that David was powerless. The real hope lies in the fact that Goliath doesn't stand a chance with our God.  We need to stand up on his behalf.

 Also, An 8 year old girl got up and talked about her fear. She said her fear was getting cancer and than she said this amazing profound statement.  Sin is cancer in our lives. It is a sickness. If I knew the cure for cancer, I would tell people about it. In the same way, we have the cure to sin. It is Christ. therefore we need to spread the cure to everyone we meet. She definitely touched me.
 I hope you all enjoyed reading this. It was just something that was on my heart.  Never feel powerless. We have all the power in Christ Jesus. He will never let you fall.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The other day when I was reflection on a poem that I read in my poetry class, I came across the theme of  worships and praise.  Some notes from my notebook,
" Praise and worship is looked at in society as just singing songs in Church on Sundays. Worship is so much more than that.  The poem's name was " the Journey of the Magi." and it basically told the story of the common story that people know. Bringing gifts of frankincense  incense and myrrh. The poem stated that what could a baby do wit these gifts. These gifts are not at all the gifts that people would give to babies in the 21st century. If those gifts were given today, a mother would give that person a strange look. But what did these gifts mean years ago. It was a symbol of Christi's love for us. How does this have to do worship? These three wise men came to worship an innocent perfect child.  Worship demands our attention and as a follower of Christ I should be worshiping God every hour of my day not just at church on Sundays. Praise can be done in a form of sacrifice as well. Sometimes giving up something for God  can be a form of worship or simply being still in the presence of god and knowing that  He deserve all of my time not just an hour but 24 hours."
This was on my heart and I wanted to share it with everyone.