
My girlies!

My girlies!

Monday, July 2, 2012

My sister Katie just had her wedding on June 23, 2012! It was certainly an amazing day! She had a radiant smile which showed that she was so in love and so happy. She finally was marrying the man of her dreams. God gave us perfect weather and a perfect time. Not one thing went wrong or out of place and God's name was glorified as he joined my sister and brother in law in unity with each other. They were truly destined to be with one another.  The with more than 175 guests, amazing family and friends to celebrate with and love to be seen throughout the room, I know this love will last a lifetime. Some of the highlights of the day included: The limousine ride, getting prepared, laughing and talking with bridal party and friend's and having the brother I never had come into my life.  Such a great day and here are some pictures to share along the way!